Advance Praise

“Peggy Perdue’s collection, Comfort, is a vibrant exploration of the tactile world. A reminder that memory is not just thought but, with writers as skilled as Perdue, something we can reach out and touch. Comfort is a book we need especially now in our mad world of screens and social platforms, a fight against the loneliness these things create, an invitation back into the kitchens and fields of our past. ‘I can feel/ the path behind me./ But I’m not going that way,’” the poet writes. Well, whichever way Perdue is going, I intend to follow.”
Matthew Dickman, author of Husbandry

“Peggy Perdue’s endlessly inventive, varied, and brave poems hurtle through family, illness, memory, mortality, and back to family. Moving deftly from one form and voice to another, she seems to be warning us to be ready for anything—in this book, and in life. Her far-ranging talent is our unpredictable guide, promising revelations we will never see coming.”
Amy Miller, author of Astronauts

“I had the immense pleasure of reading this tiny poetry book. Each word in its verses carries the weight of profound emotions and wisdom, and it weaves a tapestry of the human experience that is both poignant and beautiful. The brevity of the book only adds to its charm, making it a gem that you can carry with you, revisiting its verses whenever you seek solace, inspiration, or a deeper connection with the essence of life. A true work of art that deserves all five stars!”
Megan, via Goodreads

“…a perceptive book. …original and unpretentious…”
Vicki P., Patreon member

“…finds beauty in the everyday, revealing complex emotions through vivid, familiar imagery…”
Emilie M., Patreon member

Signed books

Comfort: Poems

Price includes book ($14.99) plus shipping ($6). Orders ship Oct. 19, 2023.
